Panic Attacks
If you suffer from panic attacks, you experience unexpected bouts of extreme fear and intense physical symptoms. It happens suddenly.

Once you've experienced panic attacks, you become increasingly scared they'll strike again. You may start avoiding places and situations where you've had a panic attack, in an effort to control them. But, the panic attacks still occur.

Do You Have Any of These Symptoms:
  • A specific episode of overwhelming fear with physical symptoms
  • A pounding heart
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Shortness of breath; hard to catch your breath
  • Dizzy, lightheaded, or faint
  • Sweating
  • Nausea, chills or hot flushes
  • A fear that you're dying
  • A fear that you're "going crazy"
You Can Eliminate or Drastically Reduce Panic Attacks!
(The name and identifying details have been changed.)

Jeff, 58, had been suffering with panic attacks for years. He had worked with another therapist, but the therapist focused on analyzing his childhood. Meanwhile, Jeff's panic attacks kept happening. Jeff heard I used hypnotherapy as part of my treatment plan, and told me he was desperate enough to try something new.

Jeff had tried to control his panic attacks by avoiding places and situations where he'd previously experienced them. By doing so, his world was getting very small: he stopped going to restaurants with friends; he seldom went to a movie theater; he was afraid to travel out of town; he rarely went to parties. The only problem was, Jeff still continued to suffer from panic attacks, and they were getting worse.

Several strategies helped Jeff reclaim control over his life.

When we started working together, Jeff was in a constant nervous condition. So we began with deep, soothing relaxation sessions. I made CDs of the relaxation techniques so Jeff could practice at home.

He began to develop a calmer way of feeling. That started to give Jeff the hope and optimism that he was going to be helped in our work together.

We worked on changing his behaviors: taking small steps to return to normal activities. One by one, we increased his outings into the world. With each new success, he felt stronger and more confident that he could master situations without having a panic attack.

I helped him change negative thought patterns that produced anxiety. Jeff began to feel more secure by learning to think constructively about himself and the world around him.

He became more self-assured and capable, and panic attacks decreased significantly. He was truly happy to be alive and involved with life again.

Possible Benefits Of Treatment With Me For Panic Attacks:
  • Eliminate or drastically reduce panic attacks
  • Regain a self-assured, confident ability to participate fully in your life
  • Feel comfortable involving yourself in new activities and relationships
  • Feel good about yourself
  • Feel happy to be alive


I invite you to contact me today to discuss how I can help you end the misery of Panic Attacks and feel good about living again.