You may be suffering from a particular type of anxiety, like panic attacks. Or, you might be struggling with a specific fear, such as a fear of flying or driving.

Maybe you feel tense around a crowd of people. Perhaps you're stressed with many anxious, worried or nervous feelings that make daily living a painful struggle.

The information provided here can help you recognize and understand the anxiety you're experiencing. It also can help identify if you might benefit from professional counseling.

If you're worn down by anxiety, you deserve to feel better, and I may be able to help you.

Types of Anxiety
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder – Constant, intense worry and nervousness about different situations in your life, like work, relationships, or everyday tasks you have to do.

  • Panic Attacks – Specific episodes of extreme fear and distressing, physical symptoms, such as a pounding heart, trembling and shaking, or shortness of breath. You may think you're having a heart attack or "going crazy."

  • Social Anxiety – Feeling extremely anxious, nervous or self-conscious in social situations like a party, or a professional function, or a self-help group meeting.

  • Specific Phobias – A powerful fear of something specific, like fear of flying, or driving, or heights, or germs, or elevators.

  • Agoraphobia – Feeling nervous and anxious when you're away from home. Afraid of being in places and situations where you feel you can't escape, such as in a movie theater, or on a plane, or stuck on the freeway.

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder – Unrelenting thoughts you can't get rid of, like constant worry you'll be infected by somebody's germs. A recurring, uncontrollable urge to perform rituals like washing your hands, counting things, or repeating certain actions again and again.

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – Anxiety created from a severe, traumatic experience, like a devastating illness, or a horrible car crash, or war, or rape. May have disturbing memories or dreams of the event, and daily living can feel difficult and painful.

Life Shouldn't Be Scary
If you're suffering with one or more of these anxiety problems, I invite you to contact me to discuss how I may help you. You don't have to live in pain, and you deserve to feel better!